“We exist to reflect the light of Christ all the time to all the world.”


SUNDAYS | 10:00am & WEDNESDAYS | 7:30PM

2606 N. MACDILL AVE. TAMPA, FL 33607

God has called us to be a light in our community & the world. We accomplish this by building up people to be a light in their workplace, schools, & everywhere they go through authentic worship, life-changing messages, & opportunities to give back to our neighborhood. We love God with all our hearts, love our church & it’s members, and love all people. There is something for you and your family here at LDM!






#LetsBeLight 💡 #SeamosLuz

We want to be an integral part of your salvation journey.

Take the first step and connect with us here!

Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.

- Luke 9: 23-34

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